Sunday, August 14, 2011

Is this base (Sauce) really strong enough

Sorry I haven't posted recently, I have had just too much on.
Anyway here is part one of the great monthly cook.

First thing is what I call the Base Sauce.
(I will refer back to this through the next few posts)

What you need (you can adjust the volumes accordingly):

2 Bulbs (yes bulbs) of garlic
3 Seeded Chillies
2 tsp Dried herbs
400g sliced leaks
1.2Kg Sliced Onions (red or white)
200g finely sliced celery
15 tins!! of chopped tomatoes

Cooking is pretty simple really.
Brown the Onions in some Olive Oil
Add the Celery

Purée the Garlic and Chillies  together with a little salt and olive oil and add the the pan.

Turn the heat down and add the leaks and the dried herbs and simmer until they have all cooked down.
Now its time to add the Tomatoes.  Add a couple of tins at a time and let them cook down a little before adding the next few tins.

Let the whole lot simmer for about an hour or so.

What you have now is a good basic sauce that you can add whatever you like to.

I will be posting uses for this sauce over the next few weeks.

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