Sunday, May 22, 2011

Stop! Burger Time!

Last night I had a burger from a well know chain of drinking establishment that my stomach was actually unable to digest and forcefully ejected.
To reward my stomach for all the wasted effort I decided to make some proper burgers.

Caramelised Onions & Garlic Beef Burgers

500G of Good Quality Beef Mince
1/2 Large Onion
2 or 3 Large Garlic Cloves
1tsp Soya Sauce
Dried Red Chilli Flakes
Salt and Pepper


Make sure you use good quality mince for this, cheap mince is fine when you are making a chilli or a pasta sauce because you can let in simmer for a long time but for Burgers or Kebabs you need a good quality (and not too lean) mince.  If you like your burgers a little rare you will need to use Steak Mince.

Leave the mince out of the fridge to take the chill of it.

Grate or very finely chop the Onions and fry with about 1tsp of olive oil.
Wait until they just start to brown and add the Garlic (again finely chopped or grated) and a pinch of the Chilli Flakes (more if you like it a bit hotter)
Once the Onions and garlic are nice and brown set aside to cool a little.

Once cooled put the Onions and Mince into a food processor with salt and plenty of freshly ground pepper and the Soya Sauce (the Soya Sauce brings out the flavour of the meat) and mix well.

Leave the mixture to stand for about at least 30min for the flavours to mature.

When making the burgers don't make them too thick or too compact as they will take too long to cook and become dry (If you are using steak mince and like your burgers pink in the middle then this isn't a problem).


Get a grill pan VERY hot.
Place the burgers on and sear the 1st side until you get the nice charred grill lines.
Turn over the burger and turn the heat down and cook slowly, this way the inside will cook nicley and you still get the nice charred outside.

Serve however you like it

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